Thursday, September 2, 2010

before and...well...after

my daughter is adorable, as everyone so obviously knows, but something was happening, that, if left unchecked would have led to nowhere good...that something was a mullet.  since she is a girl, however, and since pigtails really are the next best thing to fabulous, i let it go much longer than my normally good reason allowed. 

finally, i held my breath, took the m&m's out of the cupboard (to keep her busy during the hair removal and to act as chocolate therapy for my nerves), and watched as sofi's flowing locks turned into nothing short of a bob (pun intended). 

without further ado...
do you see why i had to do what i had to do?  yes, that is an official rat's nest.  poor baby.

lets all say it together...aaahhh
man, do i love this girl and her sweet little haley mills haircut.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

LOVE it. She is way too cute.

Courtney Shelby said...

I don't know... the mullet is pretty wicked awesome! Or very fashion forward as Tim Gunn would say. But...the haircut looks nice also. :)

Mindy and Benjamin said...

very very cute. too bad you didn't let me see her last week...oh and good luck on your month o'bloggin

Tina said...

SO CUTE! Love the new cut on her.

Stephanie said...

i love this cut on little girls! how cute!