Tuesday, October 7, 2008

winnie the pooh and disposable cameras

i made the realization that i've been pretty lax in the blog writing lately. sorry, i'm going home today and i'm gonna scan some pictures (yes, scan because i've been using a disposable camera while the digital is out of commission) and post some photos and some worthwhile reading that will make you all tear up and hug your loved ones. or maybe i'll just do some more rambling in the form of run-on sentences as i've just demonstrated.

tomorrow is luke's birthday and i am hopelessly unprepared yet again. yikes, is the kid going to be 18 before i actually plan something for him in advance? i guess by that time, he won't need me anymore...oh gosh, we need to move on to a different topic. anyway, if you have any ideas, i would greatly appreciate them. so far, i have a winnie the pooh cake tin and the determination to get him some sort of tricycle. yeah, not much i know...my only solice lies in the fact that he won't remember how unfortunate a mother i am currently and there's always next year. i know this is the last year for both of those blessings, but i fully intend to take advantage of them. yadi yadi yada...happy birthday luke and if you want to come partake in the joyous occasion that will be the anniversary of his birth, it will be this saturday, time and place and all that jazz to be announced.

ps baby sutton will be discovered tomorrow afternoon. if you're important enough, i'll let you know. totally kidding.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

My first suggestion is...Bake the cake, give him the trike, sing him a song, give him a hug, and then you take a nap. You don't have to do more than that, he will love riding his bike hopped up on the cake...plus he will still be the center of attention....AND I can't wait until tomorrow! I have been checking for ages and now my curiousity will be quenched! LOVE YA!

Valeri Crockett said...

Happy Birthday Luke~! I should start planning now for Lincoln's birthday or I will find myself in the same state as you. . . just a little unprepared. . . as usual. We can't wait to find out if you are having a boy or girl!!!!!

McCain Family said...

Oh boy oh boy oh boy...or girl, but I guess we will find that out tomorrow! How exciting!
As for ideas, I'm totally a loser at creativity. I think what you have planned up sounds great and I agree with the above post that you should just do that and then take a nap. All a 2 year old needs is sugar and a trike and that = happiness. Happy Birthday Luke!

Mama H said...

Hey Tara! Did I read on Andrea's and Ashley's blogs that you were actually at CONFERENCE in SLC the same time as we were and we didn't get to see you? SAD!
And Happy Belated Birthday, you 29 year old!
With love from your favorite aunty Kate.

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

I did it. Posted a playlist that is! It took me a while but now I know how, thanks a million!

Dave Dyk said...

Happy Birthday Luke! I'm sure his party will turn out great. He has great parents so what more could he want for his birthday? I can't wait to find out what you are having!!!!

Ashley and Aaron said...

I totally feel ya on this one. Megan and Andrea have already set the bar WAY too high for me to reach...so I plan on being contented with Finn's sure-fire mediochre birthdays...at least for now. If you need great kiddie party ideas for the future Meg and And both have a ton of tricks up their sleeves. (As evidence of this, Taj is about to have a Star Wars party where each child becomes a true jedi after defeating Darth Vador...wow)