Wednesday, August 6, 2008

a new way to play tag...

thanks to devin, i've been tagged in a way that forced me to show you my lack of homemaking skills. actually, i'm impressed to say that i was, for the most part, not embarrassed. the sink was my only problem...well, see for yourself:
1. fridge


3.self portrait-you know, you've all been waiting for this one

4.favorite room

get your minds out of the gutter, people. notice the decor-its one of the only rooms that is actually decorated in the entire place. i'm pretty pleased with it, thanks to a couple good buddies and their creative talents. the real reason why this is my favorite place to be though is... sink-sorry, i just cooked, yeah that's right, i cooked!

6.laundry room...or in our case, laundry closet-beggars can't be choosers my friends

7.toilet-um...i got nothin

8.what the kids are you can see, i tried to catch him "in the act of something," but he just couldn't pass up a photo-op. i think i'm in for it

9.dream vacation-
its a toss-up between


10.favorite shoes-my jessica simpson shoes...i don't like them because of jessica simpson, they just remind me of her; the comfortable shoes that i got for a sweet deal in pennsylvania; and my diesels because, well, they're awesome, am i right?

alright, there you go. more than you ever wanted to know i'm sure, but its time to pass the torch nonetheless. go for it jen, camille, mindy, rissa, and jonah (go for it, buddy...wink wink) have fun!!


adamf said...

I can't imagine that Andy's favorite room is the one with the air conditioner as it seems to work a number on his sinuses... maybe the room with the new subwoofer?

McCain Family said...

Yea, you did it! I think everything looks great, my dear. I especially liked the self portrait...we have a hottie on our hands! Thanks for the good time!

Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

I love that version of tag. I will definitely do it. I had just posted right before looking at your blog, so that will be next. It is hilarious! See ya soon my friend!

McCain Family said...

Okay, I fixed it on my page so you can just click on the link and it will take you right to it! And by the way, HECK YES I would like to see you when you come down! Let me know the time and place and I will be there! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!

Ranting of a Frustrated Pregnant Woman said...

I am impressed with the Jessica Simpson shoes. If we still lived close to each other I'd ask to swap for the day!