Thursday, July 31, 2008

kind of obsessed...

no its not with the imminent release of the 4th book of the twilight series...though i'm sure that would be somewhere in my top 10 near obsessions right now (hello? could edward be any more surreal...)anyway, sorry for the excessive posting...i was just reminded by a friend of a song that i'm kind of obsessed with. i know you're wondering, how can you forget about something you have a minor obsession with? well, the ipod has been out of juice for awhile now and we have a new computer so i haven't been able to charge it without erasing all the precious cargo. see, our old computer refuses to start so i can't get my songs off...blah, blah, blah. anyway, i was brought back to the light and i've noticed that some other people do this on occasion, so i'm going to venture into the youtube world and bring to you, by the wonders of technology, the video right here on my blog. its called, "come on get higher" by matt nathanson. i will give a bit of a warning here, however. if you are going to head over to youtube to find another video of his for your own viewing pleasure, be a little cautious because he tends to use some colorful words and phrases at times. this song is safe for the entire family, though. so i hope you enjoy it as much i as do. thanks jen for reopening my eyes and ps leave me a memory already before i disown you!!


The Rupps said...

I read the whole BLOG!!! I loved it. How was the weekend?

McCain Family said...

I heard this song on the radio today and I totally thought of you!!! I had never heard it before your blog. I like it!

Ashley and Aaron said...

I just heard this song on the radio for the first time yesterday and really liked it...but like many lame radio stations they didn't say the name of the song or thanks for helping me out!