Wednesday, April 16, 2008

here's to the lasts

so, i was in the library picking up my latest "quick read," when a children's book caught my eye. this, of course, wasn't the first time this has happened, since i am easily distracted/amused...and also because i am always conducting research for my future children's book endeavor. anyway, i don't remember the title, i just remember that it was written by a mother who mentioned that we, as parents, are wrapped up in celebrating our kids' firsts, that we often miss their lasts. she recognized this as her last child was growing into toddlerhood amidst the tantrums and the throwing unwanted items onto the floor, etc...she decided that she couldn't remember the last time she had seen him crawl, or the last time he asked for his binky or asked to be held. so, she turned her book into a prayer of sorts, asking God to help her recognize the last time her child fell asleep in her arms or asked for a kiss in public, or begged for one more hug. it was a sweet book and really made me think of the shortness of life. how we often rush through the day, praying for bedtime, or through the week, anticipating friday night (not necessarily because we're supposed to go on a date or something...what is that again?)
anyway, i was pondering this tonight as i watched luke's eyes droop more and more as i rocked him in the same chair that i once nursed him in night after night. i put him to bed at the normal time and then proceeded to hear him scream for about 20 minutes. i decided to go in and see if something was wrong, only to have him snuggle up against me as i held him in the rocking chair. my thoughts went to the lasts book. how many more times would i have the opportunity to rock him to sleep? how much longer will he fit in my lap just perfectly that his feet don't drag on the seat? take it from me all you tired mothers out there. stop and love your kids a little more. cherish the moments when they're precious, rather than the moments that they make you want to rip your hair out. life is pretty dang short after all.


Mindy and Benjamin said...

Were you talking to me with that part about wanting to rip your hair out? Hehehe. Thanks for this post Tarara, it really gave me something to think about. I miss you.

Dave Dyk said...

Good words, Tara. I think we all need to remember to cherish these times, trying as our little ones may be.

Yay for husbands graduating! Tell Andy congrats! Is yours already thinking of what to study next? Oh wait, only my husband is a gluten for punishment.

McCain Family said...

Hi Tara! It's been a long time since we chatted, but I wanted to say hi. This post really hit me hard and I am a blobbery mess right now. I never thought about "the last" things but just thinking about it makes me cry, I don't ever want my little girl to grow up and have last anythings!! But thank you for helping me realize I need to remember "the last" things too!