Thursday, November 8, 2007

loose cannon

today i felt like a loose cannon. do you ever have those moments when you really feel like the estrogen that is coarsing through your veins takes on a mind of its own? yeah, i had one of those...and as if the hormonal surge wasn't enough to send me into an emotional rant, add on hunger and fatigue as well as a fat day and you've got a recipe for something very scary. i was going to write volitle or some other intelligent word, but i wan't sure how to spell it and then i just decided to go with the next word that came to mind. anyway, we've been house-hunting lately and i found the home of my dreams...okay, well not really my dreams, i mean i do live in spokane after all people, but it really was wonderful. huge master bedroom with a walk-in closet (i've never been blessed with one), laundry on the main floor, room enough in the kitchen to actually put things away,, anyway andy found several things wrong with it, of course and i, in turn, laid into him like there was no tomorrow. after all was said and done, the house was sold before we even looked at it. just goes to show ya, the estrogen rants just aren't worth your time or effort. they do seem to really work at the time that they are happening though. funny how that is...

1 comment:

rachel demartin said...

i thought it was just me. can you imagine menopause? yikes. hey babe, i used photoshop CS2...i think it's kind of pricey but i bought it as a student with a student rate $200. i think normally its around $700. who knows some people use photo element with a similar effect.