Thursday, May 15, 2008

the day has FINALLY come!!!

no, i didn't get the gold medal for the uneven bars...that's still in the works...but i did move out of the nasty shoebox that i called home! this past week, andy graduated from college (insert finally here as well) and we moved our little family and our not so little belongings up to the northside of spokane. its so great, i'm almost tempted to put pictures of the place on this blog...i know that no one is really interested in seeing pictures of a bunch of a white walls, but it just makes me so happy. luke can actually go outside and touch grass instead of merely walking out onto the 40 year old balcony that was covered in who knows what. don't worry, no need to call cps, he's totally germ-free now that we have a carpet i can feel good about walking on in bare feet and two whole bathrooms that haven't had mold growing on the walls for the last decade! yay (feel free to clap, i currently am). well, that's about it for excitement here. i like to get rid of it all at once as you can see. andy graduated, family came to visit, huge move...oh and i ran 13.1 miles on saturday, but i'll discuss that later. there was a trip to ikea in there somewhere too, which as everyone knows is definitly blogging material.


Larissa@Just Another Day in Paradise said...

First, YEAH FOR NEW HOUSE! I still would love to see pics even if the walls are just white! How exciting. Second, 13 miles, you rock. When is your half marathon? Super proud of you! Love ya.

McCain Family said...

You are my hero! I'm lucky if I can run 1 mile, much less 13. Congrats on the new place. Let's see some pictures.

Dave Dyk said...

Congrats on the new house! I can't wait to see it and if you have time, some pics of your cute little boy would be great too. ;) Love you!

Mindy and Benjamin said...

Post the house pictures already. Geez. I'm glad you're back from the dead too...I certainly have missed you. Way to go crazy runner girl.

Camille said...

Isn't it great to upgrade to a nicer place?! You guys needed it with an active little boy! Kids need to get out and have space. Thank goodness for the new place! And good work on the run; I admire you for doing it! That's tough stuff.

jen said...

we need to come for a visit of the new pad. BTW the post about the lasts was a sad one. hope things are going good and hope to see ya soon.

Courtney Shelby said...

We loved the new place, but did you honestly have to move so far away!! C'mon!

Christensen family said...

Hey Suttons!!! So I love the blog! I am way bummed that you moved. Do you still travel to this part of town???? I know it is not that far away, but it seems like it is. Atleast well be able to keep up on you guys through your blog!


Rob and Shannon LaFontaine said...

Congrats on the new digs! Are you permanent Spokanites now? FYI... We'll be in Spokane the week of July 21st. Hopefully we can see you and some of the old gang then. Love you guys!